Rome in June

Rome in the summer, with Romans and tourists.

Tourists at night.
"Breast" man looking at statue with girlfriend.
Roman policeman on duty.
Night out in Rome.
Photo shoot inside Roman church
Photo shoot for Roman wedding.
Romans marching for protest
Man discussing issues with police chief on Roman street.
Fat Man watching girls as they buy gelato.
Confessional in Roman church.
Shepard dog of beggar left on the hot street.
Old Roman puppeteer performing for the crowds.
Senegalese acrobats entertaining the crowd.
Televised italian World Cup at outdoor restaurant on square.
Nuns in street
Owner of butcher shop looking outside.
Three men in church praying.
Pinocchios in toy store..jpg
Pinocchio puppet sitting on bench.
Italian young men watching football on restaurant television.
Italian men during espresso break, mid-afternoon.
Photo-snapping Mom
Tourist children posng with Roman Gladiator actor.
Three Italians having dinner.
Roman smoking on rooftop.
Bride and Groom ready for photographer.
Bird Lady
Sleeping Italian construction driver during work hours.
Activity at daily market in public square.
Italian flag on street