What I think....

Autobiography...What I think...what I do...

Chris Griffin lives in New York City. She comes to photography after many years as an exhibiting visual artist; paintings, sculptures, installations. Griffin's career has included one-person and group exhibitions in the U.S. and Europe. She has taught and given lectures on her work at colleges an museums in the U.S.,Italy, and Saudi Arabia, and her work is held in museums, corporate and private collections. (See link to C.V. and images to earlier artwork.)

"Science tells us that every time we retrieve a memory from our mind, it is slightly altered from its original state. We unknowingly give it a fictional aspect. Our brain moves that original understanding of that particular experience farther away, to new thoughts and new interpretations about it. The older the memory, the more our remembrances change. Memory is not truth.

But a photo can challenge that shift. You push the button and you stop time. You capture that specific moment, whether actual or created, and you now can prove to yourself that it happened, and it was real. You take the photograph, and later when you look back at it, its truth cannot be denied. Any alteration of thought or reinterpretion going forward now has to start from this beginning point, from this image in front of you, from the reality it offers.

So we have a starting point of thought that cannot be challenged, irregardless of how we want to.

I take photos that nod to an underlying subtext of information, although the photos are not particularly a collection of lucky moments, nor do they generally result from being at the right place at the right time. Rather I think of them as purposely taken and purposely selected, like points on a map illustrating both the general and the specific, enjoying the simple logic of the mundane."